The insurance marketplace for liability coverage has changed significantly over the past few years and even more so since the tragedy of September 11th. Many traditional carriers of Liability policies have left the market, and the remaining carriers are increasing premiums dramatically. Increases of 50% to 200% are now standard.

While every type of business has been impacted by this trend, some are more vulnerable than others, such as long-term care facilities. Although the Kirkland Group specializes in catering to the nursing home industry, they are capable of and committed to providing all of their clients with affordable Liability coverage.

Because mistakes happen,
you need Liability Insurance.

Liability Insurance is there to provide coverage for claims related to negligent business activities or the failure to use reasonable care.

Liability claims do not have any limitations. In this lawsuit-crazed society, the sky could indeed be the limit. Hence your need for adequate Liability Insurance.


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